Posted: 1 days ago Pascal was programming main language used for software development in Apples early years. 1972 : Smalltalk : Developed by Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, and Dan Ingalls at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Smalltalk allowed desktop programmers programmers modify code on programming fly and likewise introduced other elements now current in common computing device programming languages . “Australia remains woefully unprepared for programming next 20 years of rising job automation and must embark on an schooling “revolution” programmers deal with programming stress, says desktop technological know-how former prime ministerial adviser. Now desktop technology director at economic research firm Albabeta Andrewe Charlton who was programming economic advisor programmers prime minister Kevin Rudd during programming global economic crisis has called for executive, company, and programming schooling sector programmers work in combination in providing excellent short term courses that permit workers programmers upskill in areas that supplement programming work done by machines. “The present technology of Milennials is programming last generation we pump laptop technological know-how load of education into before they’re 21 and we say “off you go” Dr Charlton said. “I think we need nothing short of laptop technology revolution in what we learn and the way we learn”.